Spotify Friends

Music Application Redesign


Sketch, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator

Skills Used

Interface Design, Sensemaking


Design Innovation, Product Design, UX/UI Design


Spotify has a feature called “Friend Activity, “ which allows users to see their friends’ music playlists and also allows us to see what our friends' last listening was. This feature is easily visible on the Spotify Desktop version and invisible on the mobile application.


To elevate the friend activity feature to become more visible and create more interaction in the application

Redesign Solution

The homepage of the application will be replaced with “Friend activity.” This will make the feature easy to access and visible to the user. Take this feature becomes the center of the application, this will add value to Spotify as it’s not just a basic music application but also a music community.

Easy to see Friends

“Friend Activity“ become the homepage and the center of the application, allowing users to see the last listening friend’s music and the sharing post from friends and people they follow.

Sharing while listening

See who has common taste in music with you.

Your posts, Your profile